The Dating of Glozel
Glozel is certainly one of the European sites which has been
subjected to the greatest amount of research by highly qualified
professionals from the time of its discovery. But the fierceness
of the attacks by Glozelts detractors has led to a stalemate in
spite of the richness of the results and the successive demonstrations
of Glozel's undeniable authenticity.
In the 1970s a team of scientists (Vagn Mejdahl from Denmark, Hugh
McKerrelt from Edinburgh, and Henri François of the Fontenay Atomic
Test Centre> became interested in Glozel and used thermoluminescence
to test Glozel ceramics.
Henri François did not hesitate to ask Dr Zimmerman of the University
of Washington, who is attached to the McDonnel Center for Space
Science, to undertake an investigation, as the one person capable
of doing this. The aim was to determine if the Glozel ceramics were
indeed authentic and not recently produced ounterfeits. Basing his
conclusion on a property particular to zircon grains, Dr Zimmerman
said: "There is no possibility that these two samples from Glozel
are of recent date and artificially irradiated in order to make
them appear old. We conclude that they were truly made in antiquity.
" This conclusion certainly reinforced observations previously
made, including that of the geologist, M. E. Bruet, who in 1928
concluded that the tablets with inscriptions
must have been fired at a temperature of between 600 and 700 degrees.
The Glozel artifacts, which currently number some 2,500 pieces,
were found in a single, well defined archaeological layer. This
layer was described as being from the Neolithic by Dean Charles
Depéret5. The recent international
congress on Carbon-14 dating and archaeology, held in Lyon in
1998, noted that the Neolithic existed in Europe in the last centuries
of the seventh millenium and was widespread by the first haîf of
the sixth millenium.
The "Champ des Morts" was the subject in 1974 of an investigation
using a proton magnetometer undertaken by Mrs Lemercier of the Center
for Nuclear Studies in Grenoble. This confirmed the results of Dr
Antonin Morlet who excavated this site with Mr. Fradin for more
than 15 years. He left numerous places untouched 50 that future
generations either by new excavations or new technical approaches
could add to the information already avaîlable. Comparison of the
results of an aerial survey with those of Mrs. Lemercier reveals
traces of intact structures at the level of the "Champ des Morts'
and also in nearby areas, above and to the left of the area when
coming from the museum.