The Writing
The writing is the great gift of Glozel, and also its greatest
puzzle. It has caused much ink to run, and has frustrated more than
one person. Currently several researchers have managed to define
it and are starting to decipher it.
This type of writing is not unique. Several
related ancient alphabets exist in the old languages of Italy and
Iberia (Alvao in Portugal, etc.) This writing draws attention to
a pre-Indo-European, pre-Etruscan language, the ancient base of
which one must consult to find the key. Its roots exist in Irish,
Icelandic, Finnish and Norse.
Several scholars, including Marie Labarrère Delorme, Maurice Guignard
and Christian de Warenghien, and Rudolf Hitz are currently working
to put the finishing touches on their research papers (a thesis
on the subject is being prepared). Some have already published.
The writing will be the determining factor in reliably dating Glozel.
The public has learned about the Glozelian language by means of
the day tablets, which have often been published. On the other hand,
they don't realize that these "signs" are found on the majority
of the objects discovered at the Field
of the Dead by Dr. Antonin Morlet between
the two wars. On most of the pieces, (sculptures, engravings on
stone, on bone, on ivory, reindeer or deer horn) one finds the same
signs as those traced on the clay tablets, demonstrating the indisputable
homogeneity of the site.
©photo: A.